July 02, 2008

Girlfriend Released This Week

The release date of Sergey's track Girlfriend in the UK has finally arrived. In fact it was released on Monday (as are most tracks) but shamefully I forgot, what with everything else going on at the minute. Luckily EQ did a quick post reminding everyone, so I hurried over to check out the release. You can buy girlfriend along with 4 remixes from 7digital for just £1.79 - bargain! I obviously had the track already, but was intrigued by the remixes, and they are also pretty good, so I highly recommend buying the whole lot. Here's the link where you can preview the tracks;


Raquelita said...

Only a few months later than expected then.I don't know if I could handle 4 remixes of the same song,it seems a bit of a cop-out to me.Surely there's only so much you can do to a song?He should have just shoved Fake on there as the B-side.

Keira said...

Yeah, he could have done proper b-sides, but i guess with all the downloading today people prefer remixes. They're not too samey actually, as remixes go.
Its what he's done with all his UK releases - like everytime. And given he's released that album of Remixes in Russia, im guessing he's a fan of the remix.